RISK_List Posts

Robust Disaster Event Information

Collection, Standardization and Attribution of Robust Disaster Event Information by Matthias Themessl et al.Geosciences 2022, 12(8), 283Keywords:loss and damage database; […]

[DE] Bondo (Schweiz) Fünf Jahre nach dem Bergsturz

[DE] Bondo (Schweiz) fünf Jahre nach dem Bergsturz Drei Millionen Kubikmeter Fels stürzten ins Tal, acht Personen kamen ums Leben:https://www.nzz.ch/schweiz/bondo-fuenf-jahre-nach-dem-bergsturz-ld.1699242 […]

Saving lives with FAIR data

Saving lives with FAIR data Evidence based public policies and the impact of data in disaster and climate change risk […]

Informationsmanagement zu Umweltrisiken

[DE] Informationsmanagement zu Umweltrisiken  Informationsmanagement zu Umweltrisiken  auf der Tagung UIS 2022 des Arbeitskreises Umweltinformationssysteme der Gesellschaft für Informatik Wilhelmshaven, […]

DCNA Disaster Research Days 2021

[DE] [EN] DCNA Disaster Research Days 2021 Disaster Research Days 2021DCNA Disaster Competence Network Austria Proceedings have been published:105 p.papers […]

[EU] Enhancing Security Through Research and Innovation

EU – Enhancing Security Through Research and Innovation European Commission Staff Working DocumentEnhancing Security Through Research and Innovationhttps://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/system/files/2021-12/SWD-2021-422_en.PDF Brussels, 15.12.2021, […]

[DE] Raumordnungsplan für den Hochwasserschutz

[DE] Raumordnungsplan für den Hochwasserschutz Besserer Schutz vor Hochwassern in DeutschlandLänderübergreifender Raumordnungsplan für den Hochwasserschutz Der Plan dient dazu, den […]

Interview: Disability and Disaster Information Management

Interview: Disability and Disaster Information Management Disaster and Disability – Inclusive Risk Reduction Magazine   Vol 3 / 2021https://onginclusiva.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Disaster-and-Disability-Vol.-03.pdf interview with […]

Disaster Warning | Special Advisory Bulletin

Disaster Warning | Special Advisory Bulletin Details of a Disaster Advisory Bulletin On the occasion of Hurricane Ida (August 2021)https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCPAT4+shtml/282050.shtml […]

UNDRR Global Platform GP2022 Org Teams

UNDRR Global Platform GP2022 Org Teams UNDRR Seventh Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) Organizing Team […]

Social Contract for Data

The World Bank Social Contract for Data The World Bank Social Contract for Data “… the social contract for data […]

Investing in Data Saves Lives

Investing in Data Saves Lives Investing in Data Saves Lives “… models are only as good as the data on […]

Governments need a Chief Risk Officer

Governments need a Chief Risk Officer Global Challenges Governments need a Chief Risk Officer   Source: Tagesspiegel (Berlin)https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/global-challenges-regierungen-brauchen-einen-chief-risk-officer/27221688.html   translation […]

Global Migration Data Analysis

Global Migration Data Analysis IOM  International Organization for Migration   |    Global Migration Data Analysis Centre Established in Berlin in September […]

UNDRR Strategic Framework 2022-2025

UNDRR Strategic Framework 2022-2025 The UNDRR Strategic Framework 2022-2025 has just been published! You can find it online on the […]

Mapping risk across the globe

Mapping risk across the globe Maps cover political and security risk ratings, cyber risks, risks in the maritime sphere and […]

DRR and SDGs Information Deficits

Disaster Risk and Sustainable Development Goals Information Deficits Presentation by Horst Kremers in the 2021 Workshop “Environmental Information Systems” file  […]

The Global Health Observatory

The Global Health Observatory The GHO data repository is WHO’s gateway to health-related statistics for its 194 Member States. It […]