International Community of Experts and Interdisciplinary International Conference Series on RISK Information Management, Risk Models and Applications
since 2008

The RIMMA International Community of Experts in Risk Information Management, Risk Models, and Applications will enable sharing of digital strategies, best practices as well as giving space for discussing methodological problems in risk (NaTech) and security (CBRNE) modeling from the information systems point of view for all phases of the disaster management cycle.
The following areas will be of central interest:
- risk and security information management, risk information models
risk databases, risk and security information interoperability,
standards developmentrisk information processes modelling BPM and applications,
services and service compositionnatural, technical, CBRNE risks from local to international level
risk information system structure, components
risk-related databases
risk and multi-risk cartographic issues
risk and risk-model change in time and space
risk modeling issues for critical infrastructure (e.g. factories, railways, highways, pipelines, maritime traffic, health system, waterworks etc.)
disaster management and emergency preparedness, prevention, alert, response and mitigation
data processing related to risk management issues with special regard to information system structural aspects and Risk Model Methodology and implementation
documentation, archiving, and open access to risk and disaster information
health and biological risks issues for humans, and the environment
risk communication
(decisionmaking, actors, public awareness etc.)urban neighborhood risk information and mapping
Stakeholders-group specific risk management issues
European Union Disaster Resilience Goals 2030 | link |
UN Sendai Framework Midterm Review – Main Findings | link |
UNDRR SEM Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism | link UNDRR SEM – scope |
join UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism | link UNDRR SEM Community – application |