RISK_List Posts

European Atlas of Natural Radiation

European Atlas of Natural Radiation The European Atlas of Natural Radiation provides harmonised data on levels of natural radiation across […]

[DE] Bericht zur Risikoanalyse im Bevölkerungsschutz 2019

[DE] Bericht zur Risikoanalyse im Bevölkerungsschutz 2019 Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 19/2382521.10.2020 Bericht zur Risikoanalyse im Bevölkerungsschutz 2019 https://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/19/238/1923825.pdf   Als […]

PReparedness against CBRNE threats

PROACTIVE Mid-term Conference October 2020 PROACTIVE is a European Union HRIZON2020 funded project   PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon […]

UN SENDAI Framework Text

UN SENDAI Framework text | more translations available https://www.preventionweb.net/publications/view/46517

HXL Webinars

HXL Webinars Webinars on the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) standard. A beginner session covered the basics of HXL tagging and […]

3rd Australian Disaster Resilience Conference 2020

The Australian Disaster Resilience Conference    August 2020      –     Keynote, Proceedings, Handbook, Royal Commission Report, Key issues addressed were:· new partnerships, […]