Building a Climate Data Ecosystem for disaster-resilient infrastructure and societies

 Recommendations to the G20

There is an urgent need to commit towards a comprehensive G20 Climate Data Ecosystem that allows modelling intelligent solutions using advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to inform
decision-making. Such an ecosystem needs to look at climate data holistically and make interoperable, AI-ready, standardised datasets available across current data silos.

There is no consensus yet on what constitutes ‘comprehensive climate data’, and for this reason, many critical datasets such as those on public expenditures are not considered in discussions on climate action.

For example, WESR – Climate Geospatial Information which includes macroeconomic indicators such as ‘Average Annual Loss’, fails to account for public expenditures made to address losses caused by climate change.

This often results in inefficient procurement processes and policies or ad-hoc responses that fail to adequately cater to urgent, often life-saving needs in times of emergency or provide a sustainable long-term solution where needed.

Kabeer Arora et al., “Building a Climate Data Ecosystem for Disaster-Resilient Infrastructureand Societies,” T20 Policy Brief May 2023,  16 p

These Recommendations have been published for consideration in the
2023 G20 New Delhi Summit, September 9-10, 2023
Demands for holistic approaches in Disaster Information Management are currently discussed on important international levels:

Horst Kremers

Risk Information Management - Community of Experts