CERIS 2023 annual meeting Dec. 04-07 2023   program, session recordings, presentations and selected comments

Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS)

Full CERIS 2023 annual meeting Dec. 04-07 2023   program, session recordings and presentations downloads:
(please note that in the meantime (checked Mar. 20, 2024), the recording is no more available from the cmine.eu website. See recordings published on YouTube instead)

Session recording links and links to selected interventions:

There seem to be technical difficulties with the Dec. 4 recordings    and  CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –   final session –   audio missing in the first 16 min.     (as of Jan. 5)
The following selected session contributions from moderators, panelists and attendees are offered mainly to raise interest in European Commission DG HOME / DG Echo, CERIS and projects work.
This also indicates on potential as well as essential challenges to agree on and implement for goals in Safety & Security on European Level.
Quite a lot of questions remain open, so all colleagues are encouraged to contribute to the discussions, recommendations and specifications.

One of the missing details in general is the lack of quoting public available reports from the projects that references are made to.
And “Data Management Plans” seem not to be available at all because they are never mentioned.
Most of the issues touched in this meeting also need to be elaborated on national level.

Currently I claim that mainly EU-funded project work is discussed in CERIS while at the same time essential advances are elaborated on national level.
“State-of-the-art” documentation as first stage work in every project needs to include national (european and global) research and practice.
Please find details in your own specific fields of interest from the program and the complete recordings

(please note that in the meantime (checked Mar. 20, 2024), the recording is no more available from the cmine.eu website. See recordings published on YouTube instead)


CERIS Dec. 5, 2023 – Involving citizens in research projects
Session recording:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6ac7GroGG0&t=38s

Intervention Horst Kremers on –  stakeholders from Media and Journalism, existing Pillars of Societal Resilience, need of adequate knowledge base

Panel 4 – Towards an all-society approach to Disaster Resilience: from Research to Policy Recommendations
Session recording:           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im8qzlOI2-U

Intervention Horst Kremers on – missing the part that “National Sendai Platforms” have according to the text of the UN Sendai Framework, expectations in this respect for the follow-up framework 2030+

Intervention Norman Kerle –  on  End of “business-as-usual” – how to meet complexity and at the same time accelerate implementation

Philippe Quevauviller (Research Program Officer)  –   summary of the day  -on    CoU / CERIS   need of institutionalizing CERIS, Strategy, need of preparing for FP10,  how to involve municipalities,  DG Home workprogram 2025,  standardize via ISO or harmonize methodologies (first)?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im8qzlOI2-U&t=1h31m08s    (15 min)

CERIS Dec. 6, 2023  –  welcome address Teresa Capula (DG ECHO)

Also indicating on expected next call (Feb’24) in Program KAPP – Knowledge and Action in Prevention and Preparedness
(compare to 2023 KAPP call, details: Information Day 2023   Agenda, Recordings and Presentations
https://civil-protection-knowledge-network.europa.eu/events/kapp-call-proposals-information-day )

CERIS Dec. 6, 2023  –  Consolidating past projects

Panelist Martin Nekula (CZ)  on the need of Robotics/Autonomous Systems and legal regulations in Czech Republic

CERIS Dec. 6, 2023  –  Research Gaps in Technology Development

Intervention Horst Kremers  on  “Business Cases (alternatives) resulting from Projects’ experiences
and 15 min further participants’ discussions on Data until time 3:05:20

CERIS Dec. 6, 2023  –  Tools and Technologies for Monitoring, surveillance and rescue

Panelists on Information Interoperability and Intervention Horst Kremers on the need of complex documentation and analysis

participants intervention on the current “Diversity of Common Operational Picture

participants intervention on “legal aspects in Disaster Information Management” and post-incident analysis

CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –  Introduction Philippe Quevauviller (Research Program Officer) on  –   Interoperability / Standardization problems in strategy
(17 min)

CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –  Introduction to the PEERS project – Beatrice Errico –  Setting up a Governance Mechanism for Interoperability for domain CBRN-E

CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –  Linking Technical Solutions to Standards

Intervention Horst Kremers on the role of EU Directives

CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –  Linking Technical Solutions to Standards

Intervention participant on –  How many HORIZON2020 / HORIZON Europe results have been tested?

CERIS Dec. 7, 2023  –  Linking Technical Solutions to Standards

Intervention participant on –   Challenges of integrated Use of Digital Twins in joint analysis of private/public/environmental/safety/security information

Panelist Patricia Compard  on –   It is so simple

Intervention participant on –   Levels of Standardization,  based on existing good practice/product/service resp. technical solution which is successfully adopted

Intervention participant on –    recommending free access to standards documents for all operational units


Remarks on “National Sovereignty” issues:
every now and then, there are “discussions” on “national sovereignty” that pretend to prohibit certain common regulations (legally binding for member states – directives etc.)  in Europe.

In current situation, such discussion manifests in the context of common agreements on binding/legal frameworks, especially in Information Interoperability.

Certainly, Sovereignty is an issue that needs adequate respect, but my impression is that not all colleagues involved see the complex structures and dynamic strategies in European national Sovereignty.

European common Information Interoperability standards do not restrict national/local decisions, instead they enable and improve effectiveness of Safety & Security operations in all phases of disaster management in compliance with citizens’ demands for “just-in-time” preparedness, rescue and

Let me quote from “Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The European Council, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions

on the “EU Security Union Strategy

“Security threats are also becoming more complex: they feed on the ability to work cross-border and on inter-connectivity; they exploit the blurring of the boundaries between the physical and digital world; they exploit vulnerable groups, social and economic divergences. Attacks can come at a moment’s notice and may leave little or no trace; both state and non-state actors can deploy a variety of hybrid threats1;

and what happens outside the EU can have a critical impact on security inside the EU.

The COVID-19 crisis has also reshaped our notion of safety and security threats and corresponding policies.

It has highlighted the need to guarantee security both in the physical and digital environments. It has underlined the importance of open strategic autonomy for our supply chains in terms of critical products, services, infrastructures and technologies.

It has reinforced the need to engage every sector and every individual in a common effort to ensure that the EU is more prepared and resilient in the first place and has better tools to respond when needed.

Citizens cannot be protected only through Member States acting on their own. Building on our strengths to work together has never been more essential, and the EU has never had more potential to make a difference. It can lead by example, by enhancing its overall crisis management system and working within and outside its borders to contribute to global stability.

While primary responsibility for security lies with Member States, recent years have brought an increasing understanding that the security of one Member State is the security of all.

The EU can bring a multidisciplinary and integrated response, helping security actors in Member States with the tools and the information they need.

COM(2020) 605 final,   https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52020DC0605  


There are essential other fields in the European Union that are working for Data Spaces / Information Interoperability in the European Union:

I also suggest to contact DG CONNECT, DG DIGIT, DG ENV, DG HADEA, DG SANTE, DG MOVE and draw from their experiences and successes in designing and implementing European Directives in their domains.

Horst Kremers (Berlin, Jan. 7, 2024)




full recording

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